Environmental Action Subcommittee
The Environmental Action Subcommittee (EAS) aims to foster environmental sustainability and stewardship through education, collaboration, action and leadership.
Activities being planned for such time as the lockdown restrictions are lifted include:
- Great Lakes Watershed Cleanup (GLWC): We will be cleaning up the area behind Zehrs, in Centennial Park and in Elgin Park
- Adopt-a-Road: We have successfully adopted the section of the 6th Concession between Hwy 47 and the roundabout on Durham 8.
- Terracycle box: Mike has set up a box to collect old oral care products (toothbrushes, toothpaste containers, oral rinse bottles, dental sticks, etc) to keep these things out of landfills. This is a program set up by Terracycle Canada.
- Tree planting in the Fields of Uxbridge
- Monarch Ultra Marathon (September)
- Supporting Uxbridge Earth Kids
- Rain Barrel / compost fundraiser
Oral Care Product Recycling
TerraCycle takes our fabric, metal, plastic and fiber recycling, converts it to usable materials and sends it to manufacturers who incorporate the recycled materials into their products. Click below to learn more about our Terracycle programs.

Rain Barrel Fundraiser
Rain Barrel Canada takes food grade barrels and re-purposes them into rain barrels. The food grade barrels, which were once used to transport fruits and vegetables, offer years of reliable service as rain barrels. With the growing urgency around protecting the environment, rain barrels capture rain from the roof, which can be used later for watering lawns, gardens or for use with indoor plants. Rain harvesting with rain barrels is an effective way to limit environmental damage caused by stormwater runoff. Visit our Facebook page for additional information or the Rain Barrel page.
This fundraiser will run through June 4, 2021.